The SMS Alert System is a telephone fire warning system aimed at residents and businesses in the Upper Beaconsfield area. Register your landline and mobiles with the Community Centre to directly receive information in relation to:
Fire Danger Periods
Extreme & Code Red Days
Notification of community meetings
Messages related to fire which directly affect the Upper Beaconsfield Community
How does the system operate?
The system uses a commercial SMS service to send and SMS to all registered mobile phone numbers and ring all registered landline number and deliver a voice message. This is done automatically and simultaneously.
who manages the system?
The administration side of the system is managed by the Upper Beaconsfield Community Centre Inc. The Community Centre manage the database of phone numbers on hold the money paid by residents on trust.
The operation side of the system is coordinated by a number of local residents and volunteers who have the ability to send alerts should they be required. Some of these organisers and local CFA members, fire Guard Group Coordinators and other responsible local residents.
where does the money go?
The system is run by volunteers. Every phone number registered costs a once off fee of $5.00. This money is being held on trust and will be used to pay the costs of send messages when required. Should this system become redundant in years to come due to other government and emergency service initiatives then any remaining money will donated to the local CFA. Your will be advised if this occurs.
what information will be provided?
The information provided is limited to the nature and location of an emergency or incident. We will NOT issue any information or advice in relation to action to take or the level of threat unless specifically requested to do so by authorities.
Only call Triple Zero (000)
if you are in critical need of emergency services - Police,
Fire or Ambulance
Upper Beaconsfield is located in the CENTRAL district
the centre is closed on extreme & code red days
Is the system emergency service or government run?
No. It's a community run system that is provided on a "best endeavours" basis. It started as an extension to the Fire Guard Group phone tree and is now available for Upper Beaconsfield residents and business and surrounding areas. The Pakenham Police Management, Cardinia Council and the Upper Beaconsfield CFA are aware of this system and have access to the organisers phone numbers. They are NOT directly involved in the activation process and it NOT linked with the Government or Emergency Services Official Early Warning system.
can i rely on this service for notification of a bushfire?
NO. You cannot rely on any one information source. The CFA leave early policy is very clear that you may not be given warning of a fire and when to evacuate.
Residents should have a Fire Plan well before a threat. This system is another tool that can be effective to notify residents on a incident. It should NOT be relied upon and your should NOT remain in the area in the expectation that you will receive a warning from this or any other information source.
It's a good idea to familiarise yourself with the CFA website and 'Friend' the local team on Facebook
additional emergency information: