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Make a difference in our Community - meet new friends and learn new skills.  It's fun!  The possibilities for volunteering just might surprise you. 

Here are some ideas to start your thing about the ways you can get involved....


Would you like to learn about our local community help make decisions by volunteering on a committee?

We have several local committees looking for new members and fresh ideas.

become a tutor!

Volunteer opportunties in Upper Beaconsfield

Aged care

Our local 'golden oldies' would love to sit and chat and maybe have a game of cards.  Feeling up to the challenge?

Volunteer opportunties in Upper Beaconsfield
Volunteer opportunties in Upper Beaconsfield


is catering your forte?  Our Centre offers free special events and morning tea days to the community and is looking for a caterer to donate their time.


Love walking?  We need help delivering our term program.  Register now for your shopping area/estate?

Volunteer opportunties in Upper Beaconsfield
Volunteer opportunties in Upper Beaconsfield

Do you have special skills that you can share with others?  then have you thought about becoming a Tutor?  At the Upper Beaconsfield Community Centre we're always on the lookout for new course interests we can share with our local community.

love gardening?

There are so many local projects around Upper Beaconsfield community that would like to get an extra pair on hands on local beautification. 

We also have a garden group here at the Centre that is always in need of maintenance.

help with fundraising


Bring your ideas to the table and get on board to support our local community with special event funding.

Do you have the sills to serve as an adviser, teacher and be a friend?  Can you develop goals, actions plans and navigate barriers prodiving experience and information for the benefit of someone in need? 


Volunteer opportunties in Upper Beaconsfield

Do you loves kids?  Our littles love playing and interaction with adults, especially "Nan & Pa's".  Come in and spend an hour reading to them or doing a puzzle together.  You'll put a smile on their face.

How's this for dedication?  One of our Nursery Volunteers!

Special projects

Do you enjoy organising?  then one of our special projects has you name on it!

Volunteer opportunties in Upper Beaconsfield


Nominate to join our occasional working bees.


Can you fix a tap?  Mend or paint a wall?  We're always in need of a helping hand around the Centre.

The Cardinia Shire Council offer course discounts up to 50% for eligible participants through their Subsidised Volunteer program.

To find out more call the Centre on (03) 59443484 for further information.

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